Our family thoughtfully manages & cultivates all of our livestock in rural paradise of Michigan. (*We do ship*). Overall, we have 23 years of combined experience and counting. Our # 1 specialty are our Great Pyrenees Newfoundlands & AKC Great Pyrenees puppies. We have superior quality breeding dogs. They make outstanding and STATELY large companion dogs, guardian dogs, watch dogs, farm dogs, family dogs- all of it. We are proud of every puppy we produce & sell to great folks across the USA.
We also raise high quality:
Located in Michigan. See page links @ the top menu.
*The Great Pyrenees & Newfoundland dogs provide a fortress of guardianship, and companionship, for home & family. These dogs are a regal presence. They abound in temperance towards children and small domestic livestock, but they can be formidable foes to predators of all kinds.
We hold the breeds of dogs in a high regard and consider them to be a blessing & a tool *
*Holland Lop rabbits are 'puppy-like' in appearance and are a dwarfed breed reaching just 3 - 4 lbs at maturity. They are generally easy in demeanor. Holland Lops are one of the most competitive breeds in the ARBA rabbit show circuit and are highly sought after all over the world. We cultivate ours to possess stout heavy bone, a wide & well muscled body, and a classic prominent crown with thick ears.
Onward Acres brings 24 years of experience raising high quality Holland Lop rabbits and has produced a number of top 10 placing rabbits @ ARBA conventions. *
Michigan, United States